A walk in the leaves
The holidays are here. Somehow this year it is a mix of the familiar and the totally new. The year beats a rhythm, and I love to dance. Now the lights, the smells, the cookies, good cheer…all of it feels like a warm hug but somehow I am seeing it now with new eyes. That in fact it is part of a rhythm, a dance, a banner that smooths the ups and downs and somehow brings us closer. As a mother of two amazing babies, wife and world explorer I have turned a new page. Some fear or dislike growing older but feeling now the passage of time, I feel emboldened, more present than ever, loved and loving. I hope this holiday, you take each moment for the gift it is. The ripening of promise and the comfort of familiarity.
Please enjoy these snapshots of a blooming of Christmas cheer. Ho ho!


Kisses for Nona

Older and wiser

Fair isle

Comfort call


The prince


Life these days